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One of my favourite illustrator, Yuko's artwork

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Contemporary Aesthetic & Culture Studies


Lecturer: Dr. Poposki


This is my major course in year 2, which provides an overview of theories in aesthetics and cultural studies. It is expected that we would obtain the essential theories and methods to analyze the production and visual culture.


I hope to explore different forms of arts and develop a sense of being arts critics.


Course Intended Learning Outcomes:


    CILO1 explain the major concepts of contemporary aesthetic theories; 

    CILO2 critically analyze music and visual arts phenomena with reference to various aesthetic theories; 

    CILO3 identify concerns and issues related to the production and reception of sonic and visual culture; 

    CILO4 analyze sonic and visual cultural phenomena with reference to selected cultural theories. 


End-of-course self evaluation with evidence:


After taking this course, I have discovered several kind of aesthetic theories. Also, I noted that when specking of aesthetic, arts is not just confined with paintings, ceremtics or photography, etc, but also music, movie and perhaps music video. This course has broaden my horizon in the aspect of art and culture. I have developed a huge interest in symbolism after taking this course as well.  


The knowledge that I gain from the course, especially with the concept of  symbolism, have also been adopted in other course, such as the Danceing course. Apart from analysing symbolism in Hong Kong and Japan animation in the presentation of this course,I also have a deep look into the symbolism of hand gestures in today's political movement as well as those in Hindu Dance. The related essay is inclued in the 'Extra-curricular activites'.

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