The Snails
KIYO Cheung: just another art Student
陶 芸 Ceramic Céramique
Course: Function and Expression in Ceramics Lecturer: Dr. Anissa Fung
![]() Prison |
![]() Green apple |
![]() christmas penguin |
![]() cities |
![]() Another Tomato Can |
![]() Null |
![]() Snail |
![]() Lips chair |
![]() poor Apple |
![]() Working process of final project |
![]() |
![]() final project |
![]() |
Lecture Journal

It was the first lesson of the ceramic class. Dr. Fung showed us some masterpieces of ceramic works. Also, she introduced different kind of clays as well as some basic understanding of clay properties. Here are the 5 types of clay:
1. Red earthenware clay 紅陶土 (low temperature 800°C-1000°C)
2. White earthenware 白陶土 (low temperature 800°C-1000°C)
3. Stoneware clay 炻土 (high temperature 900°C-1280°C)
4. Crank 高沙炻土 (high temperature 900°C-1280°C)
5. Porcelain 白瓷土 (high temperature Max.: 1300°C)
We also did a clay property test. I made 4 clay with same shape and size to see their differences after firing in vary temperature (900°C;1050°C;1200°C;1260°C). I am amazed by the colour that they changed after firing.
We also had the first exercise on making ceramic. Each of us were given a problem, we had to make a ceramic work to solve the given problem in a creative way. My question is to make a container to hold the oil and soy sauce separately for serving on dinner table.
I made a container with two areas for putting two liquids, and a hand holder for picking up the container. However, I've found that it was not creative and can only hold a little amount of liquid, so I made another design. The new design is a pot with two mouths and two layers, one is for the oil, and other is for the soy sauce. I am quite satisfied with my new design.
Lecture 1

we appreciated a large variety of ceramics from different perspectives; for instance, decorative art, expressive artworks , industrial products, etc. Dr. Fung shared the Modernist style and Postmodernist style art concepts and expression in ceramic art.
1. Modernist Style:
- The considerations in design and making are mainly on aesthetics of visual form as well as the structure. They emphasize on visual element execution, like the craft skills, graze colour, surface, etc.
2. Postmodernist Style:
- The works contain messages and meanings, which are often regarding to the social, cultural or historical relevance of art works. This can encourage the audiences to have interpretation on the works.
After the ceramic appreciation, we made a small piece of wooden furniture with clay slab. I made a wooden chair with mouth shape. It loops great after grazing, and I am pleased with the red glazing. (*The red glazing is hard to perform well)
Lecture 2

Dr Fung was introducing the process of mold making with plaster The picture of the making process could help us to have a clear idea of mold making

Dr Fung was introducing the process of mold making with plaster The picture of the making process could help us to have a clear idea of mold making
** Making Plaster Mold - Seems easy but need to be patient and careful
This is the process of making a plaster mold.
- I chose a pear for making the mold.
** KEY
-> BE Patient!
-> BE Careful!
Keep trying and practicing .
After all, Practice makes perfect! :)
Lecture 3
Especially when:
... mixing the plaster
... drawing the middle line on the model
... putting the clay around the model
... trying to open the plaster mold

Prepare a round model

mix the plaster and pour into it

again, mix plaster, and pour into it

Lecture 4
Sharing of Fertility & symbolism: The Youngshou Pottery
Slip-paint decoration on pottery
It is very impressive to know theYoungshou Pottery.
Highlights of the lecture:
1.Slip Painting
2.Pinching and modeling technique:
3. Press-mould method

What a fruitful lesson.we all have learnt a lot of techniques!
The process of making is tough(especially for people that did not play with clay before, like me). But we have lots of fun while practicing the techniques with our friends.

Lecture 5
Slip-casting method
-> Relatively easy method for making a mould.
-> The key point is to make sure you pour enough porcelain into it.
-> Very even thickness.
The class exercise:
1. making a ceramic work with press-mould technique and decorate it to tell a story.
By using press-mould technique, I made an apple-shaped clay. I cut off some clays and made few holes on the apple, so as to made a prison. Extra clays were used to make three little people.
The apple-shaped-like prison indicates the Apple company, while the three people indicate a family; father,mother and their son. This is a story of a family. They were so obsessed to all the Apple products that they had became the slave of Apple.

2. Using methods like engobe/ graffito or inlay to put decorations on a small piece of red clay.
We have discussions on the first course works---
the problem-solving-work. Dr. Fung gave us
some feedbacks on our works and taught us to
be critical and creative.

Lecture 6&7
I have been looking forward for learning this technique since the first lecture. I was so excited!
When watching the demonstration given by Dr. Fung, everything seems easy.But actually it needs force and stability of arms and hands, as well as the technique to find the central of the clay.
It takes time to practice in order to learn the throwing technique.

Here are my work by using the throwing machine

Lecture 7,8
Appreciation of Chinese Qing, Han, Tang ceramic burial objects as well as ritual ceramic in Africa and South American
Teaching of 3 studio techniques:
1. Hollowing
2. Pinching
3. Modeling
Course exercise:
-> Create a container with at least one part of it is hand-moulded. The hand-modeled part can be an animal/ human figures or daily object.
I decided to make a Christmas penguin:

Glazing technique
1: under glaze
2: glazing (high temp.)
3: glazing (low temp.)
Under glazing is used for drawing and painting on the ceramic. If you want to have some decorations on the work, under glazing would be a great choice.
Using the glazing (low temp.) may have some unexpected surprise, as the colour would melt during firing.To be honest, I don not like those 'surprises' at all...
High temperature glazing is used when you are making containers which would be puting food or drinks inside. But the colours would be a bit dark and looks boring.
For the Final Project
Please Click here:)