The Snails
KIYO Cheung: just another art Student
CAC Group Project:
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The initial idea of 'likerholic'
Nowadays, the sign of 'Facebook-like' seems everywhere. Different companies, groups formed from various interests, even people themselves; are urging for 'likes' on Facebook. It seems that there is a competition on Facebook; the more 'likes' people get, the more popular or famous you are.
Some people gradually become the slaves of Facebook-likes; they are so addicted to it that they become the 'likeaholic'.
There are two kinds of likeaholics on Facebook; one is taking much attentions on the numbers of 'likes' they get; the latter is to 'like' everything on Facebook.
The 'likes' on Facebook seems to become a sign of notice; it is the way to show friends that you care them. People are used to show their cares to friends by likeing their posts or photos on Facebook. This way of showing care seems to become formalized. Do people really showing their cares to friends while liking on the posts? In contrast, do people feel the care from their friends by obtaining their 'likes'?
That is the reason why we start our project.
We established a Facebook group called 'likerholic' , tried to deliver our messages regarding 'Facebook-liking'. Here are the Facebook link, please feel free to click here.
Our project is to encourage the likerholics to have second thought before they 'like' the posts on Facebook, and to have deeper thoughts on Facebook-likes.
All of our group mates dressed like the famous celebrities and characters; we went to one of the noisiest street in Hong Kong - the Mong Kok. The idea is to catch the attention of peoples as well as attracting them to take photos with us. They might choose the character that they like and take photos with her. After that, they are encouraged to post the photos to their Facebook and tag with our Facebook Group, 'Likerholic'. We would give them a rose, which was tagged with the QR code of our Facebook afterwards. They were told that they are engaged in a psychological test. They can go to the website and check to see the result of the test. After taking a look on our Facebook page, they would know what we were exactly working for.
Things were not exactly according to plan. Due to the passive response of people, we changed our plan. Instead of waiting people to ask for taking picture, we took the initiative to giveaway the roses and encourage the passerby to take photos with us.
Overall, the result of the project is quite satisfying, but surely there are rooms to improve. Although the objective of this project is not achieved, as the phenomenon of 'Facebook-liking' can hardly changed by just doing several project, several people gave us some positive reflections regarding the giveaway of rose. May be the initial objective has not achieved; our project did share all the happiness to the people. Also, several people are interested in our project as well.