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The man that made wood alive :A review on Tong King-Sum's Tempting Touch


The Tempting Touch - the Art of Tong King-sum

Exhibition venue: The Hong Kong Museum of Art

Visit Date: 20/10/2014

In my opinion, there are two kind of sculptors. One is the scupltor that have great technic and can create beautiful works; the one has the ability to made the dead material become alive. Tong is definitely the latter type.

Tong's works are extraordinary and mermorable. The texture of human body, the skin, the bones and muscles are precisly sculpted with details and fine shape. It is amazed to see that the wood have been given the second life after the creation by Tong. The changes of lights literally create movements, and made wood dance. It makes people hard to believe that they are only sculpted woods.

I appreciate Tong's smooth and detailed works very much. His knowlege in human structure amazed me a lot, and inspired me to learn the sculpting skills.

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