Graffiti: Arts or ruin to wall?

On 27 March 2015, our class went on a field trip to Mong Kong East. We explored different historic buildings and graffitis on back street.
In the end of the field trip, a graffit work done by invader, a famous french artist, was spoted on a buliding. This reminds me of his previous work in CausewayBay, which was already removed by the cleaner.
Indeed, graffiti is illegal in Hong Kong. However, it does not mean that every graffiti is a stain on wall. In foreign country, some artists are famous for their graffiti; for instance, the well known British graffiti artist, Banksy, their graffiti worth thousands of dollars and people generally feel honored if their walls have those artists' graffiti on.
In Hong Kong, it's a different story. Officers clean up all the 'dirt' on wall immediatly, people got upset when they know its done by a famous artist. If that graffiti was done by 'nobody', I am not sure if those people would have the same feeling or willingness to conserve the graffiti.
I believe that the best way to nurture artists is a free enironment, which people can freely express their feelings or opinion with artworks. Especially after there were so many inspiring artworks in the unmbrella movement, which people had a free space to do whatever they want.